
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the generous donors who have made a significant impact on our mission. Bruce, Higdon Insurance Agency, SAORSA ARCHITECTURE, Renaissance Charitable, and those who have chosen to remain anonymous have all played an invaluable role in supporting our cause. Your contributions are instrumental in helping us continue our vital work and make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve. We are deeply appreciative of your kindness and commitment to our shared vision, and we look forward to a brighter future with your continued support. Thank you for believing in our mission and for being the driving force behind our success.

Higdon Insurance Agency

Thanks to all the incredible individuals who made the 4th Annual BTG Golf Scramble a resounding success! It was a day filled with camaraderie, competition, and, most importantly, unwavering support for our cause. We appreciate every golfer who joined us on the green, our dedicated volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure a seamless event, and our generous sponsors who made it all possible. Your enthusiasm and commitment to our mission have left an indelible mark, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for helping us make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve. We look forward to seeing you again next year as we continue to drive change through the power of golf and community. Your participation means the world to us, and we’re deeply thankful for your support.

Mr. Smith,

Thank you so much for the different topics covered in the GAP program. “I just wanted to say the personal relationship meeting today really helped me understand a lot. After recently getting out of a domestic relationship it was refreshing to hear your talk about carrying yourself as a respectful young woman.”


“During our interactions, you took the time to speak with us and I want to express my gratitude for that. The discussions we had impacted me in a positive way, and I feel like I’ve grown as a person. Prior to this, I had never been in trouble before, but I found myself in a situation that caused me to act out of character. However, over the 13 weeks that we’ve been in contact, I’ve learned a lot about myself and how to manage my emotions. Now, I am able to pause and think before reacting and I don’t allow myself to lose control. You’re encouraging and motivating words helped me overcome a lot, and I just wanted to thank you for that. I look forward to staying in touch and speaking with you again soon.”


“I personally learned a lot from this program, you’ve helped me realize some of the things I was doing in my life were wrong. Mr. smith you’ve been an amazing and real guy throughout all of this and that honestly helped me click with you. there’s a lot and I mean a lot of valuable information for kids like me and if they were to sit down and actually listen and pay attention, they would come out different people. one thing you said has stuck with me throughout all of this and you’re 100% right when you said this program would actually help instead of writing a 20-page essay or filling out a paper for my diversion because I’d probably still be the same person the day I got charged. I’m genuinely thankful for you and this program, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to try and help kids like me. some of the other people may think you just there because you have to be, but I know you care about us and are really trying to help. I seriously am grateful I hope this program goes around the country because it really does help if you just take the time to listen and focus on the stuff you talking about. I know I’ve said it a bunch of times but really thank you”


“I thought the class was absolutely amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of that and realizing I’m not the only one who is going through difficult legal situations. It made me gain a little bit deeper awareness to life around me and to see people for people and not things to get angry at. I also learned how to control my anger a little bit better and to accept that some things in my life are beyond my control and to not lose my temper over it. Overall, I believe I benefited from it and I learned from it.”


“I thought it was very insightful and encouraging. Most of topics were very helpful to everyday life and I like Ur enthusiasm to help the troubled teens no one’s believes in and making sure they know that you do. You are very wise and I think ur program can help many other kids in future you also relate to the kids in many ways other adults don’t it was very helpful”


“Hey man. I said no last night. Pretty big time. I almost gave in but I did what you said and I got out of the situation I was in and got home”.
